Hello, is there a possible chance you could please post on here the terms and regulations on the new Monthly Subscription, please? I'm sure everyone is wondering how it all works. And without there being ANY sort of description on here, the website, or even on the Facebook Groups. Us customers, are all very confused. It would be nice to have a full layout and description of everything that is included with this $30 a month subscription and how the credits work as well. Do the credits roll over to the next month, if the credits aren't used the month before?
All of this information that is being withheld and not publicly available is leaving us all scratching our heads with wonder.
I look forward to your response. Thank you.
@Cierra D. Hello, the description of DUA Plus is mentioned on all our platforms.
1. Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cwq7di0OGLt/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
2. Facebook - https://fb.watch/n3IKyYkK41/?mibextid=Nif5oz
3. Website - When you are adding items to the cart then you can view about the DUA + subscription.
Attaching a reference sceenshot for you.

I hope these posts and website description will be helpful in clarifying your confusion. For further queries, you can reach out to support@theduabrand.com