"With Love" by Hillary Duff.

  • One of the best fragrances I've ever had. Used the whole bottle up and havent been able to find anything quite like it. It sounds silly because its a perfume from Hillary Duff and was marketed with her song, so you would think it would be gimmicky. It had notes of mangosteen. Fruity yet a bit of spice. If Dua made this, im sure alot of people would be all over this.

  • @julia Scatozza Hello, this is Hifza from Team DUA. We welcome you to our Forum! 😊
    Our customers would definitely enjoy the DUA version of With Love. Hopefully, recreation of this discontinued fragrance takes place as soon as possible! 😊
    Thank you for sharing your valuable input on our platform! 🤗

  • Omg yes please great suggestion. I loved it & only went looking for it recently. Couldn't find it anywhere. 

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