Shipment to Germany

  • @E P Hi, I'm from Germany too. I think Germany is just terribly bureaucratic. Even here as a local it's often a pain in the ass. We can't blame DUA for this. Of course we can expect them to find a long term solution, like having an authorized seller who gets decent amount of stock (not UK, but something ACTUALLY EU). But to develop this it takes time.

  • well one solution would be to ask verified users on Parfumo or fragrantica who live in the EU. maybe Austria the best bcuz they also speak German. So you can send it to them and they will resend it to Germany. 

    Also there are forward shipping services. You can send the items from Dua to another place in the USA. And from there they will resend it to you

    Or similar like above but just in the EU. You order the items to that EU forwarding company abs they will ship it to you after they received it

    Or when I order something small from China, I write my real address in Germany but another country outside EU but still in Europe. This way I avoid paying taxes and still receive my items. 

  • @Mahsam

    Please find a solution for this. I wanted to buy several fragrances from your brand...


  • Just because we haven't heard anything doesn't mean nothing happened. I have heard rumors that a sales partner in Germany is already in negotiations with DUA. This is a much more comfortable way to buy from DUA than going through the long delivery times and customs again. If that really happens, it shows how important it is to sell in Germany for DUA.

    If I remember correctly, such information was posted here some time ago and now it could be confirmed.

    In any case, I'm really looking forward to it.

  • @Andreas Nottorf well I received this email before everybody else. this was last spring or summer and then back they said it will be done by the end of the year. you know 2023. until now nothing happened

  • @Amina Soktum Well, afterall there's is shop for germany for a long time but I don't know how reliable it is registered in NY though.

    I can wait whatsoever, still have some Fierce sealed so not in a hurry, but looking forward to a solution.



  • The German DUA shop is supposed to start in about a week. initially with a smaller selection of around 40 scents. I hope that the 33% offers are available.

  • @Andreas Nottorf Where did you get this information from? I looked online for further information bud did not find any.

  • Do you know that, I know someone who knows someone... that's why I talked about rumors. but hopefully we will find out soon. It's not like DUA itself is doing the sales either, so I'm curious about the pricing.


    This is the address and it will start soon. The scents probably haven't arrived yet.

  • @Morris Arnold: Das versteht wohl keiner mehr der aus Deutschland kommt. Es kommen auch keinerlei Argumente seitens Dua. Es wird einfach alles weiterlaufen lassen so wie es ist. Und anscheinend ist das ok. 

  • @Andreas Nottorf fake news. Like I said from the beginning

  • @Dominik Reitmaier not necessary. There are many perfume brands who still deliver to Germany without any problems. Dua should just accept PayPal only for friends and family. And change their terms of service that is customers don't accept their packet, they will not get the money back. Only can get resend this packet again but for additional charges. This will fix 99% of all scammers

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