Please offer all the 100ml dua scents as 30ml

  • there are many perfumes which are only available as 100ml. please change it

  • @Amina Soktum Hey, our 100 ml fragrances are exclusive special edition fragrances.
    You can definitely let us know which one would you like to have in 34 ml and we can forward your request to our higher management.
    May be it gets in the works soon! 🤗

  • well all of them ^^ it's not only my wish. many users until nennt bought a bottle bcuz it's 100ml. 30 would be enough. you would sell more and often from them.

    mr dua for example. or one night stand. tobacco affair. or the other sub brands which you offer as 100ml

  • @Amina Soktum Thank you for sharing your desire with us.
    Your request will surely be forwarded to our respective department and we aim for it to be catered soon! 😊

  • Seriously just give us better bottles. I hate looking at these bottles on my nightstand.

  • @Aaron Thompson We would like to appreciate you for sharing your honest review with us. Thank you for your valuable feedback! 

  • @Hifza Polani now you finally offer the 100ml editions as 30/34ml 

    but why the hell you haven't announce it everywhere?!? Here to my topic, on youtube, Instagram, Facebook, tiktok, email newsletter etc

    now it's time to offer all the other 100ml editions as 30/34ml.


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