I’m obsessed

  • I found out about Dua from TikTok earlier this month and I have been obsessing over them! It's become my new obsession and I already have 8 fragrances and just ordered 9 more. Every single one that I have ordered has been *chefs kiss*. My favorite is puffletuff and I can't wait to try the mixed emotions byredo dupe. Anyone have any recommendations? 

  • @Grace Gift Hello, this is Hifza from Team DUA. We welcome you to our Forum! 

    Wow, we’re so thrilled to hear that you’ve fallen in love with Dua! 
    It’s amazing to know you’ve already tried 8 fragrances and are adding even more to your collection – you’re a true fragrance aficionado!

    Puffletuft is such a great choice, and we’re sure you’re going to adore In your Feels, too!
    As for recommendations, we would definitely suggest you to look into our best sellers. Below, I have shared the link with you for your convenience.

    We hope that you'll discover even more of your favorite scents among our best sellers. We're confident that you'll find some new ones to love just as much!

    Thank you so much for your continued support – we’re so happy to have you as part of the Dua family!🤗

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