Shipment to Germany

  • Would it be an alternative to have customs pre-paid?
    I know from experience that i.e. Mouser and Digikey do it that way.

    I hate to be "punished" by german douchebags who don't pick up their stuff from customs because they're unaware that they have to pay additional charges.

    So please DUA, bring back shipping to Germany. Pretty please :)

  • @Paul Arnold Hey, we will definitely forward your request and suggestion to our concerned department. Hopefully, shipping to Germany will resume soon! ✌

  • I hope there will be a solution, just wanted to order some Fierce's but had to realize I can't select Germany anymore and found myself on this.

    Some guys probably don't know since you changed to DHL, that DHL will ask and send an invoice for the customs tax via eMail which has to be paid via direct online payment otherwise they will not forward the package and return it if the customer didn't fulfill the invoice within a week or so :/

    I assume some are afraid of the mail and think its fake or phishing, I myself was unaware of this new process and checked a couple of times if the mail is valid :D Eventually for some it drops into the spam. I don't think it is primary that people don't wanna pay the custom tax, but they are unaware of the new system in fact DHL doesn't even inform you about the incoming custom tax, they only sent you a mail to instantly pay for some package without further information.

    In the past you either had to come to your local state customs or the delivery service sent you an invoice after successfull delivery.


  • What about opening a store in Germany? :)

  • @Alfred Lechner Hey, Thank you for your suggestion. We will forward it to the concerned department. However, I would like to let you know that shipping to Germany is in the works but we cannot say for now that when it will be resumed. 

    We will definitely update here once it resumes! 😊

  • @Philipp Weik Hi, we are glad to hear that you want a DUA store in Germany. We will definitely forward your store suggestion to our management.
    Our team will try it's best to look for a way out where our German customers can buy DUA fragrances! 😊

  • @Hifza Polani 

    Thanks! would be amazing! :)

  • @Hifza Polani 

    I would also love to see Germany shipment getting resumed.

    I guess there are no new plans to resume shipment to Germany?

  • @Felix Becker Hey, knowing that there is a substantial demand for Dua fragrances in Germany and we do know that our customers are eagerly interested in our scents, our company is currently working on a solution and figuring out a way for our EU customers.
    We are hoping for it to commence early next year.

    We will keep you guys posted!😊

  • @Hifza Polani just because of few idiots you punish all the millions ppl in Germany?! are you fucking serious?!?!?!? 

    i have suggested you for example that before the customers pay for the orders, that you should show example amounts which additional costs there will be. for example for 200$ the will be like 70€ additional shipping and customs fees. for 300,400,500$ this fees etc. so the customers already see which further Fee they have to expect

    also you could change your terms of service that they won't get the money back just because they don't want the packet

    as a when they pay with paypal that you should only accept payments for Friends, which can not be returned back

    you could also use international insurances

    or a forward shipping service

    I've told it to you many times and many months before, and you have not did anything of it!!!!!!

    are you etc interested in doing business?!? or do you want to stay so small like now???

    I just can't believe it how incompetent somebody can be for so many months! while other companies would solve this problem within days!!!!! 

  • Hallo,

    Ich kann meinem Vorschreiber hier leider nur beipflichten. Es ist auch für mich mittlerweile völlig unverständlich, wie man fast ein ganzes Jahr lang die deutschen (treuen) Kunden so hinhält und VERSUCHT bei Laune zu halten. Ich glaube nicht, dass sich Dua WRKLICH um eine Lösung dieses Problems bemüht. Es gäbe genug Möglichkeiten wieder den Versand nach Deutschland aufzunehmen. Aber anscheinend hat Dua das auch einfach nicht mehr nötig sich damit auseinanderzusetzen. Sehr schade für all die treuen und zuverlässigen Kunden, die sich niemals etwas zu Schulden haben kommen lassen.

  • A very emotional text from Amina. Did the scents get you addicted? I'm just kidding! Unfortunately, it is not possible for commercial users to use PayPal Friends and Family. But you can already feel that solving the problem of shipping to Germany is not given a very high priority. In the meantime, you can try alternatives. Just give Alexandria Fragrances, Paris Corner, Parfum Parlor and Niche 4 all a try.

  • when it comes to Paypal payments they should just handout their private pp acc. it anything else like stripe or whatever. or adjust their terms of service so that the customer is not allowed to get the money back if he just refuses to except the packet. so even pp would've then handout the money back

  • @Amina Soktum 

    Your suggestions don't work when you are running commercial business which means you can't legally use a private account/non-commerical as a payment option to override the terms (tax evasion). In fact, if you wanna keep running your business you shouldn't do this.

    Personally, I believe the problem with customs fees not being paid relies on the fact that suddenly someone randomly gets an blank notification Email that you have to pay by DHL. But it doesn't even tell you for what and why, which package from who its just simple pointless notification from DHL Express which if you don't know may occur sus to you as phishing mail - I felt the same and didn't dare to click a thing in that mail until I did research if it is legit. So, DUA could inform during the ordering process that you will receive a customs mail by DHL Express to pay the tax fee once the package has arrived in the destination country.

    Of course the shipping to germany may not be the highest priority, they sure have other much more important things to do and I doubt their business depends on a single country as small as germany is despite there are many customers - you can't compare it to the US or Europe as whole. Maybe it is not as easy to find a carrier and fail-safe option where customs will be definitely paid.

    You can't walk away from money back when you are doing business, specifically international business and if I'm correct if you want to sell to/in europe you have to comply with the individual laws which protect us all from scams, missing/damaged and failed delivery but also canceling.


  • @Pascal Ichtertz fucking customs pigs. but why do they seize it?!? what's the reason? can't you just pick it up? 

  • @Alfred Lechner well there are hundreds of websites like warez or infringed Copyright stuff, even scam sites. and many of them operate for many many years. they have never paid any Taxes and nobody worldwide can stop them. and I don't even talk about the Darknet, these Websites are on the clearnet


    also Dua could offer Crypto or ask the community. there are many ways to find solutions


    but we all see how they react. they just don't give a fuck about anything! don't even forward. so Mahsam will say something about it or release a video on Jewtube. und YouTube 


    the only thing they can do is to make perfums perfectly, but that's it. everything else like Service, Mindset, Business skills, customer solutions - its all fucked up

  • @Jürgen Martin moin

    die schweine ham mich gesperrt auf parfumo ^^ aber egal. Auf insta, fb und Twitter werde ich jeden Monat gefördert. Ach ja tiktok auch. deswegen passt XD

    Ich wollte dir ne Nachricht schreiben, aber so unprofessionell wie dua ist, klappt das nicht


    Sag mal hast du zufällig von Dua dem eingestellten Dolce&Gabbana Duft - by man. also die dua Version "pour homme". jeder schwärmt davon wie toll der ist und dass er sie durch ihre Jugend begleitet hat und man heutzutage gar nicht mehr bekommt, nur für paar hunderte Euros. macht mich neugierig. fougere barbershop Richtung aber cremig soll der sein. wenn du ihn hast kannst ja vielleicht schnuppern und Feedback geben

  • Hi, I just wanted to say I'd also definitely buy a few of your products if either shipping to Germany resumes or if you were to open a shop in the Essen / Duesseldorf / Cologne region.

    There are currently no other alternatives for e.g. Myrrhe Mystere, Soleil Brulant, so there is definitely a market for your products in Germany.

  • @Sören Meyer Hello, hope you are doing well.
    We're elated to know that you are willing to buy DUA fragrances.
    Let's hope that we find a way out very soon for our EU customers! 😊

  • Hello. I can't believe it. You still don't deliver to Germany. This is unbeliveable. So Germany doesn't accept your fragrances because of the ingredients, dangerous goods, etc. Because I can't explain it any other way. Who doesn't voluntarily deliver to Germany? No one! I think that's the reason. Dangerous goods! Germany is meticulous anyway. 

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