Penhaligon's Portrait Series

  • I would love to see any of the Penhaligon's Portrait series done by Dua.  In particular:

    - The Blazing Mr Sam

    - The Tragedy of Lord George

    - Monsieur Beauregard

    - Roaring Radcliff

  • Hello, this is Zainab from Team DUA.
    Thank you for suggesting your desired fragrances with us. Hopefully, they will be in works.

    Also, we would love to see you purchase these fragrances from The Dua Brand when they will be on our website.

  • @David Watts YES! OMG LOVE Penhaligon's Portrait series! for a more feminine frag, they need to do the Coveted Duchess Rose! Such an amazing scent, not your typical rose either! I second this!

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